Halloween is right around the corner, it’s time to start planning your costume! Sometimes executing a Halloween makeup look can be tricky and stressful if not fully prepped. We have provided a list of some makeup tips and tricks to keep in mind this Halloween. Make sure you have everything you need and are aware of some helpful tips to keep in mind when selecting your makeup products.
Putting some thought into the application process is important when tackling a holiday makeup look. You want to make sure it will look killer in photos and make for the best social posts. We are here to help make sure all of that happens! Therefore, check out the 5 tips/tricks we rounded up for you.
Save Time & Money & Use What You Have

Eyeliner and glitter can go a long way when creating your Halloween makeup look. Most of us have these items already on hand, sometimes using what you have is the best way to avoid spending money on fancy makeup you will probably only use for one night. Utilize your eye shadow palette and dip into those exotic colors you haven’t touched since last Halloween. Let the creative juices flow while utilizing what you have in your at home makeup kit before taking a trip to the store and getting any new product.
Tutorials Are Your Friend
Watch tutorials streaming on all the social channels. These can help you streamline a technique for your look this Halloween. Keep up to date with Multimedia Makeup Academy’s social channels too, including YouTube for any extra tips and tricks. Watching someone else apply makeup allows you to see first-hand the process of application. Although a lot of artists make it look easy, it may take a bit of practice so leave time for trial and error, before perfecting your look.
Set Your Makeup
Throughout the evening of Halloween festivities your makeup may tend to run away from you. To avoid this, make sure you use a primer at the beginning of application and a reputable setting spray after your application. Be a little generous with the setting spray to increase wear time. Another good trick is to keep some blotting tissues in your purse. When your natural oils start to surface you can make a quick run to the bathroom to blot. This will keep your makeup looking fresh!
Instagram For Inspo
Multimedia Makeup Academy has some incredibly talented students, and they are very present on social media. Follow us on social media to see some of our absolute favorites. Get inspired and put together your favorite ideas to prepare yourself for your Halloween makeup look this year. See some of our favorites on our TikTok & Facebook page.
Use Reputable Makeup Brands
Purchasing makeup when you have never heard of the brand may not always be the best choice. See what artists are using and brands they trust. That will avoid any bad reactions later in the evening. You also want to make sure your makeup comes off at the end of the night. Using brands that are well known and used often by many can put your mind at ease. One of our favorite brands is Makeup Forever. Multimedia Makeup Academy includes a huge variety of makeup forever products in their makeup kits included in your program of choice.