How to Photograph Your Makeup Work: Lighting

Photography is the best way to document your work as a makeup artist. This may seem silly or obvious, but it’s not uncommon for MUAs to have a lack of good photos. High-quality examples of your work are necessary to compete in the concentrated beauty industry. Your Instagram, in a sense, is your portfolio. It’s necessary to keep this platform regularly updated with quality content on a regular basis in order to gain visibility and clientele.

Of course, it is great to use photographs from shoots and events, but right now we are going to focus on how to take your own photos with a smartphone. This will be the most accessible way to document your work and ensure that you can regularly update your social media and websites. Today, we will be focusing on light.

The single most important part of photographing your work is lighting. This doesn’t have to be complex, but its recommended that you have a few options with you, so that you can guarantee yourself content.

Lighting Techniques

To give your photos a professional touch, it is important to use white light. Yellow light, which is the kind of light often used for everyday purposes, will give a yellow cast to photographs. White light can be found outside and in LEDs.

The most cost-effective way to light a photograph is to place a client in front of a window. This will brighten the face beautifully and really show off all of your hard work. The downside to natural light is that it is unreliable and can change throughout the day.

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You can also get a similar effect by using an LED ring light. This is a light that many beauty influencers use. For your purposes you don’t want a full-sized one. A manageable, portable one should do the job. It’s important to note that using a ring light will produce circular reflects in client’s eyes. If unwanted, it is easy to Photoshop these out.

If you’re looking for a good one, there’s quite a few ring light options on Amazon.

To be clear, even though natural light and LEDs are both white, they will produce slightly different effects. It is important to know how to use both so that you never miss out on getting the perfect shot!

Of course, if you are feeling creative, you can light your makeup in all sorts of ways. White light is the standard, but that doesn’t mean its the only option. Get creative and set yourself apart! Just remember not to get too elaborate—you don’t want to be carrying a cart of items with you to your appointments.

Multimedia Makeup Academy’s Media Room

Don’t forget! Multimedia Makeup Academy has all of the tools you need to get your influencer career started! Once you are enrolled, MMA allows you to use the Media Room whenever you want! It’s like your personal studio! Ring lights and all.

If you’d like to check out our Media Room and the rest of the Academy, schedule a tour with our Admissions Team and they’d be happy to show you what we’ve got or check out the Open House!




Tips & Lessons for the Aspiring Professional Makeup Artist. Sign up Today!

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